Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week Twelve- Tuesday

So things went really well yesterday, too, with one exception.

For breakfast, I did my 2/3 c oatmeal, 1/4 cup raisins, 1 oz. almonds with nutmeg and cinnamon breakfast again.

For morning snack, I had 1 piece of string cheese and half an oz. of almonds

For lunch, I had chili again with 4 saltines.

For afternoon snack, I had 2 pieces of string cheese and an orange.

I had a dentist appointment at 4 to take off my temporary crown and put on the permanent one.  It should have taken 20 minutes.  I didn't get out until an hour and a half later.  Something was strange with the crown and it wouldn't lock into place.  It kept rocking.  The dentist decided to work a little on the base it was sitting on and that's when the fireworks went off in my mouth.  So about 86 shots later, the tooth was still being touchy, I was frustrated with being a bother, and emotional from the stress it brings back to me (4th grade- eyes closed on a trampoline- fell off- broke front tooth in half- root canal that they couldn't deaden all the way= fear of dental work that I'm trying really hard to overcome).

When I left, I was upset and, to paraphrase Lilo and Stitch, "I'm troubled.  I need desserts!"  Food is how I deal with stressful situations.  If I were a smoker, I would have smoked.  If I were a drinker, I would have had a drink.  Since I'm Mormon and don't do either- I wanted to eat.  I wanted to keep my goal of no candy and no chips.  So... oh, man, do I type this?  So I got a loaf of Italian bread and ate 2/3 of it on the drive home.  I also got dessert for dinner- 4 nanaimo bars, so we each could have 2 but then be done and not have a cake or a pie sitting around in the house.

This experience has made me realize that I've taken away my coping mechanism.  When hurt or sad and want to feel better, I eat.  I am going to need to find something to replace it with.

For dinner, we had the crockpot taco soup which was delicious.  I finished the loaf of Italian bread, and had the 2 nanaimo bars.

Activity-wise, you could tell it was a post-program video recovery day for me and my younger grades, because my grand total of steps was 5,784.  I don't remember when they've been that low.  I didn't work out or walk Pip.  Just didn't have time.  I have my workout clothes packed and ready to go so I can stop off on my way home today.  Crockpot dinner ready to go.  Lunch and breakfast and snacks in hand.  Bring on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Planning on having that discussion about the coping mechanism with your coach next week? I'm going to give that some thought, too. I'm SO SORRY you had that experience at the dentist yesterday. :-(
