Monday, August 19, 2013

Day One

Monday, August 19th:

8:30- Met with coach, worked out for half an hour.
10:30- Breakfast- 2 eggs, 1/2 C cheddar cheese, 1 cup grapes and apples
1- Mid-morning meal (a bit late ;) 3/4 C cottage cheese, 3/4 C pineapple
2:30- 6 pieces licorice
3:15- Lunch- Taco salad (lettuce, extra lean hamburger, black beans, corn, cheese, tomato, onion)
4:30- 4 pieces licorice
6- Dinner- string cheese, 1/2 cucumber, 1.5 inch slice of group hoagie sandwich
5:30-8ish- swimming with friends at Lake Hagg
9:15- apple

Drank 10 cups water
Pedometer steps: 4319, but I didn't wear it once I got to the lake.


So all in all, it was a good start today.  I got my 5 little meals in, kept track of everything that I ate, and worked out.  I didn't get a walk in with Pippin, though.  I also had a headache most of the day.  I don't know if it was from drinking too much water or from sugar withdrawals, but it wasn't fun.  That's why I ate the licorice- to see if it would help, but it didn't.  

Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words and support.  

 Evening after swimming at Lake Hagg
Beautiful moon over the little beach we swam at.


  1. Looks like a great start, Ruth! Keep up the good work! Reminds me that it's been a long time since we took the kayak up to Hagg Lake. Might put that on our to do list while the weather is still good!

  2. I LOVE being so close to Hagg Lake. It is such a great place to spend time.

  3. I felt so bad bringing out the dang bag of chips and you ate your cucumber slices. To be honest, your cucumber slices looked much better than my bag of chips. :) I eat healthy, when I buy healthy and I need to remember that. I eat what is in the house. Love this blog! It inspires not only you, but me too, and it looks as though quite a few of your friends. I am impressed by how many steps you took and you were not at work, just hanging out in your house.

    1. Lol. It really didn't bother me at all. Next time I'll bring more cucumber slices. :) Thanks so much for your support and friendship.
