Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week Two Day Five

Today was technically a "day off" (because the district knows we'll come in anyway to finish our rooms, but oh well), so I got to sleep in an hour or so.   I had lots of energy and felt great.  Thought it was a workout day, Pippin was so chipper that I grabbed the harness and leash and he and I went on a walk first.  Then I came home, dropped him off, and walked over to the gym.  My knee felt so much better today.  I massaged the muscles around it a lot yesterday and stretched it as much as I could.  I was able to do so much more with it.  Yay!  When I got home, a warm breakfast didn't sound appealing, so I grabbed a fruit and granola yogurt parfait from McDonalds on the way to work.

I was out of cottage cheese, so morning snack was a cup of grapes and string cheese.  I hadn't brought lunch because I was out of the taco meat at home.  I picked up a chicken teriyaki sandwich from Subway on the way home.  Again- a lot of fast food, but I'm glad there are healthier choices I can have.

Tonight was supposed to be date night at the cheap theatre, but we were both pretty tired, so we stayed in and had an Office marathon.  We decided that tonight was also pizza night.  I had three pieces of it and a slice of cheese bread with a couple of diet A&W root beers.  While, yes, it was pizza and was anything but light, I don't have any guilt about it.  It was our choice for the night.

For a snack later, I had an ounce of cashews and an ounce and a half of almonds.  I also dipped into Paul's chocolate covered pretzels, and I had a bag of skittles.

A couple of observations from the last couple of days:

1.  This morning I noticed that my body felt different.  I felt more capable, stronger, healthier.  It was easier to move and I could almost feel it changing.  That was exciting.

2.  My evenings are my downfall.  Tomorrow I'm preparing some quick grab veggies and fruits.  Too often I'm going to the nuts and chips.  While the nuts are great, they're also a bit of a trigger food for me and I need to pair them with fruits and veggies.

3.  I have been a rock star at not eating the foods that have been out/passed around at staff meetings.  While this is great, I have noticed my tendency towards covert eating.  I think it's easier to not indulge in public right now because I'm focused and want to make healthy choices that others can see.  Now I need to work on making healthy choices when I'm by myself.  So far, I have been 100% honest in logging every bite of food that I've had, though there have been occasional "If I don't blog it, no one's going to know" moments.  If I don't eat the food I shouldn't, then I don't have that conundrum.


  1. You hit two biggies on this blog. Not feeling guilt about food because it was a choice (instead of my habit of overeating above and beyond my planned food at a party or social event), and being aware of "private" eating. You are going about this with such a healthy perspective. I'm learning a lot from you!

  2. OK, Ruth, I was excited to read your #1 observation! That's awesome. And on those evenings when you are exhausted, remind yourself how much better you are going to feel soon! RE #2, good job identifying a trigger food! I loved your #3, like Amber said, for being aware of "private" eating. And congratulations on "being 100% honest in your logging." Lots of wins here today!

  3. Let's see if I can comment from my computer
