Monday, October 7, 2013

Week Eight- Monday

Today was awesome!!!

Breakfast- fruit parfait.  I was actually hungry!! Yay! (Call me crazy- I know.)
Mid-Morning snack- 3/4 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup grapes
Lunch: 6 oz. turkey breast meat, 8 brown rice Triscuits, 2 oz. cheddar cheese.
Afternoon snack: 1 yummified Fuji apple, 1 oz. cheddar cheese, 1 TB sunflower seeds, 4 glasses water
Dinner: 6 oz. roasted chicken breast, 1.5 cups steamed veggies, 5 glasses water

Aaand yes, my appetite is officially back with a vengeance.  This evening, I finished off the last three cinnamon rolls (without icing, thank you very much).  I was still hungry, so I had half a cucumber and about a 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds.  Then I was looking at Pip and he hadn't been for a walk today, so I took him for a walk.  He had so much energy that we went ahead and did our loop around the junior high.  Now he's tanked out on the floor.  Even though it's only 7:35, I think I'm heading up to bed in a few to read and go to sleep early.

For exercise today, I walked to and from the gym this morning, worked out after work, and walked Pip for a grand total of 15, 454 steps on my pedometer.  BAM!

(Oh- and I hit all my goals today.  Yay!)

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