Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week Eight Sunday

I zipped out of the house for church this morning before getting a chance to eat or tuck something in my bag.  I was definitely needing food by the time I got home.  I found these really good tortillas with 12 g. of fiber in them and had a turkey wrap with lettuce, 2 pieces of cheddar cheese and a wedge of skinny cow cream cheese.  It was really good.   For a snack, I had an apple with 1.5 TB peanut butter and 1/3 of a cucumber.  I had another mini-meal of 4 oreos and a cup of potato chips.  For dinner, I made beef stroganoff and had a half a bag of steamed veggies with it.

It's been another week, so it's time to review my goals:
1.  9,500 steps six days of the seven.
2.  Plan and prepare 5 healthy evening meals.
3.  Get three workouts in with the added three machines.
4.  Stick to my eating guidelines
      a.  Drink 8 glasses of water or more a day
      b.  Only 1-2 processed foods/day
      c.  Keep my body fueled by eating five small meals/day.

1.  Monday- 15, 454, Tuesday 11,909, Wed.- 11,478, Thurs. abt. 7000, F- 4018, S- 8502
2.  Monday- Yes!, Tuesday Yes!, Wed- Yes!, Thurs- nope., Fri- nope, S- Yes! Sun- Yes!
3.  Yep! (M, W, Sat.)
4.  a. M-  Yes! T- Yes! W- Yes!, Th- Yes!, Fr- Nope, Sat- Yes!, Sun- nope
     b.  M- Yes! (Triscuits and fruit parfait),
         Tuesday- Nope.  (McMuffin bun, Triscuits, candy),
          Wed.- Nope. (McMuffin bun, mini candy bars, 2 cinnamon rolls),
          Th- nope,
          Friday- Nope
          Sat- Yes!
          Sun- Yes!
     c.  M- Yes! T- Nope.  Only got 4 in., W- Yes!, Th- nope, F-  nope, Sat- Yes!, Sun- nope

1.  Average of 9,726 steps Monday-Saturday.  Yay!
2.  I met this one!!!  Five of the seven nights we had a balanced dinner.
3.  Yep!  I did this one really well- I added 3 more machines to my workout, so now I'm up to 2.5 circuits.  I also did core toning in between machines 2 of the 3 workouts.
4.  a.  Water is doing well- I got my 8 glasses in 5 of the 7 days.
     b.  Staying away from processed foods is still a challenge from me, but I'm doing much better at it.
     c.  While I didn't get in 5 small meals, I did get 4-5 in 6 of the 7 days.

Tomorrow's my monthly weigh and measure.  I'm excited about it- trying not to hope for certain numbers.  I need to keep the focus on the whole picture and all the benefits.  However, it is nice to look forward to a coaching session knowing I can expect results because I've taken steps.  It's not hoping that I magically lost pounds or inches without doing the work.

This is a picture from today.  I haven't worn this dress in a while because it's gotten too tight.  Even before when I did wear it, I wore a minimizer underneath it. Today I was able to wear it and feel comfortable in it without the extra help.  Fun stuff.


  1. Looking forward to 'hearing' about your check in, Ruth!

  2. You look great, I can totally see all of your hard work. What an inspiration. Love ya!

  3. great job, ruth! i'm making similar changes in my life/eating too and it feels great. xoxo

  4. AWESOME, Ruth! Being able to fit into something that you formerly couldn't is great motivation! Have a great workout/conference w/your coach today!
